Anyways, life goes on here in San Miguel! These past couple weeks Ive been close to some other missionaries from Arizona that are ending their missions. Their names are Elder Hazelgreene, Elder Smart, and Elder Jones (in case any of you guys already know them). Its sad to see them leave. But anyways this week we had 6 new investigators at the church so we were pretty excited about that! Its always a struggle to get people to come to church. Unfortunately our baptism this week has to be postponed until the 15 of agosto, which was kinda sad but we are praying hard for her! Right now we have 5 baptisms scheduled for the 15 of agosto and we are hoping and working hard to make sure they all go through.
This past PDAY was BEACH DAY! we got to go down to La Union and see the beach. I'll attach some pictures. It was fun and nice to escape from the normal routine of being a missionary. I also got got to know some other missionaries; there are some really awesome guys working down here in the Lords work! Anyways other than leveling up to a level 6 washing-clothes-by-hand merit badge, life goes on. Its hot, really hot actually, and this week I was more tired than usual. I used to think that when you are a missionary you somehow have amazing amounts of energy that you feel like you could fly, but the reality is actually that some days you are dead tired and exhausted but as you work and pray for strength God ALWAYS gives you what is needed to do the work you are called to do. It has been a great blessing in my life.
Anyways, to end I just want to share my testimony of this Gospel. I know with all my heart it is true and want nothing more than to live within the bounds of this Gospel the rest of my life. There is no greater joy than serving the Lord and I have felt that so abundantly. I wish you could partake of it as well. I love every aspect of the Evangelio, especially about the Family. Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for my family, especially my parents. I am so grateful for everything that they do for me and have taught me. I know that all of who I am today is because of what they have taught and showed me through their loving actions every day. Love you guys!!
Okay that's all I have for today, i know I am missing something I wanted to write about but that's the fun part about being timed while you write. Love you all and thanks for all the blessings and prayers!
Elder Nelson